Candidates Support Grocery Worker Strike

The union says Fred Meyer is guilty of unfair labor practices.

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Mayoral candidate Keith Wilson with striking grocery store workers

Many candidates took to the streets and to social media to communicate their support of a week-long strike at 28 Fred Meyer stores in the Portland area. The strike is organized by the union UFCW Local 555, which accuses Fred Meyer of wage discrepancies between stores and unfair labor practices including withholding essential information during negotiations. 

“Standing with these strikers isn’t just a campaign position, it’s personal,” mayoral candidate Keith Wilson wrote on Instagram.

“The UFCW 555 gave me my first chance to earn good money with a good job, and I’ve experienced the higher wages, benefits, and protections provided by union representation firsthand. I’m grateful for their endorsement for my candidacy, and proud to stand by them in this dispute,” said Wilson, who is endorsed by the union.

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