SEIU Endorses Candidates in Portland City Council Races

The organization is expected to help turn out the vote for its top picks.

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Jonathan Tasini (D2), a lifelong union organizer, sports at least 24 labor endorsements.
District 2 candidate Jonathan Tasini with supporters

SEIU Local 49 and 503, two local branches of Oregon’s largest public employee union, have announced their endorsements for the upcoming November city council races. The endorsed candidates span a spectrum of political views, from moderate Democrats like Mariah Hudson and Tiffani Penson in District 2 to progressive candidates such as Tiffany Koyama Lane and Angelita Morillo in District 3. Their platforms also differ significantly: Olivia Clark and Tony Morse in District 4 have received endorsements from the Portland Police Association, while candidates like Candace Avalos and Jamie Dunphy in District 1 have signed the “No Police Money” pledge, rejecting endorsements and contributions from law enforcement.

All of the chosen candidates have strong union backing, with District 2 candidate Jonathan Tasini, a lifelong union organizer, showing the highest levels of labor support. He is closely trailed by recovery advocate Tony Morse in District 4. SEIU’s organizational resources, including door-knocking, phone banking, and social media campaigns, are expected to play a key role in crowded council races.

  • Mayor: Carmen Rubio
  • District 1: Candace Avalos, Jamie Dunphy, Steph Routh
  • District 2: Mariah Hudson, Tiffani Penson, Elana Pirtle-Guiney, Jonathan Tasini, Nat West
  • District 3: Tiffany Koyama Lane, Angelita Morillo, Steve Novick
  • District 4: Olivia Clark, Chad Lykins, Tony Morse

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