Theo Hathaway Saner is a candidate for Portland City Council in District 3 (Southeast Portland).
Hathaway Saner is a Property Manager with Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, a non-profit organization providing affordable housing to low-income families. Additionally, he serves on the board of WeShine, a nonprofit that builds and manages micro villages to help transition people from unsheltered conditions to stable housing.
Hathaway Saner’s platform focuses on expanding access to affordable housing as well as treatment and support services for those experiencing mental health issues and addiction.
He has committed to the ‘Save Portland Street Response’ pledge, vowing to prioritize, introduce, and vote in favor of fully funding the Portland Street Response to operate 24/7 in every budget cycle. He has also signed the ‘No Police Money Pledge’, refusing contributions or endorsements from police unions or associations.
For more information about Hathaway Saner, please visit his campaign website.