Simone Rede


Simone Rede is a candidate for Portland City Auditor. She is running unopposed.

Rede is the current Portland City Auditor, having taken office in 2023. She is a Certified Internal Auditor and a Certified Government Auditing Professional. She also serves as a member of the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s Domestic Working Group, an advisory council to the Comptroller General of the United States.

Rede’s work and volunteer experience includes serving as the former Principal Management Auditor at Metro, as Past Chair of the Association of Local Government Auditors, and as a member of the Oregon Department of Corrections Audit Committee.

She is an alumna of the political training programs Run For Something and Emerge, a Portland-based candidate training school for Democratic women.

Rede’s campaign website lists her values as independence, public service, and inclusion. For more information about her platform and endorsements, please visit her campaign website.