Marnie Glickman

Council District 2

Marnie Glickman is a candidate for City Council in District 2 (North/Northeast Portland).

Glickman is a political organizer and strategist who has collaborated with several elected officials, including Oregon Congresswomen Darlene Hooley and Elizabeth Furse, U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone (MN), and presidential candidate Ralph Nader.

She has previously held elected office as a school board trustee in San Rafael, California.

Glickman’s campaign website outlines her priorities as expanding shelter space and housing, enhancing community safety, and promoting accountability and transparency in government. Her specific policy proposals include funding for Portland Street Response (the city’s non-police emergency response) to operate 24/7, and increasing treatment beds at the Hooper Detox Center in Northeast Portland.

To learn more about Marnie Glickman’s platform and for a full list of endorsements, please visit her campaign website.

Endorsed by Housing Organizations
Endorsed by Environmental Organizations
Endorsed by Social Justice Organizations
Campaign Pledges
Funds Raised