Laura Streib

Council District 2

Laura Streib is a candidate for City Council in District 2 (North/Northeast Portland).

Streib is the Founder and Executive Director of Vibe of Portland, a nonprofit that provides arts and music educational opportunities for youth. Her experience includes serving as the Stage Manager for the Portland Chamber Orchestra and chairing the City’s Arts Education and Access Fund Oversight Committee.

A trained musician, Streib plays the oboe for the Oregon Sinfonietta and owns the small business Aura Creative Consulting, whose clients include multiple musical ensembles and institutions. She currently serves as Board Secretary for the St Johns Boosters Business Association.

Streib’s priorities are listed as safety and livability, arts and culture, education, thriving neighborhoods, sustainability, and economic development. She has committed to the ‘Save Portland Street Response’ pledge, vowing to prioritize, introduce, and vote in favor of full funding for Portland Street Response to operate 24-7 in every budget cycle.

To learn more about Laura Streib’s platform, please visit her campaign website.

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