Dan Ryan

Council District 2

Dan Ryan is a candidate for City Council in District 2 (North/Northeast Portland).

Ryan currently serves as a Portland City Commissioner, overseeing the Office of Community and Civic Life, the Office of Equity and Human Rights, the Bureau of Portland Parks & Recreation, and the Portland Children’s Levy.

Elected to his position in a 2020 special election, Ryan filled the vacancy left by the late City Commissioner Nick Fish. Previously, he served on the Portland School Board from 2005 to 2008.

Formerly the CEO of All Hands Raised, a nonprofit focused on education equity, Ryan serves on the boards of Trillium Family Services and the University of Oregon Alumni Association.

His priorities include addressing homelessness and housing, public safety, streamlining the permitting process, improving downtown and neighborhood main streets, investing in parks, and supporting children, education, arts, music, sports, and entertainment.

For more information about Dan Ryan’s platform and a full list of endorsements, please visit his campaign website.


Endorsed by LGBTQ+ Organizations
Endorsed by Culturally-Specific Organizations
Endorsed by Other Organizations
Funds Raised