Chris Flanary

Council District 3

Chris Flanary is a candidate for Portland City Council in District 3 (Southeast Portland).

Flanary, who identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, works as a Housing Program Specialist with the City of Portland. Their background includes serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer with an affordable housing and community development organization. Flanary is also a union officer for AFSCME, representing state, county, and municipal employees, and a 2023 graduate of the Oregon Labor Candidate School, a training program for pro-labor candidates.

Flanary’s campaign focuses on increasing living wages, boosting community investments, strengthening the social safety net, and supporting affordable housing. They aim to eliminate barriers to resources for individuals and small businesses, and increase support for harm reduction and Housing First programs.

Flanary has committed to the ‘Save Portland Street Response’ pledge, vowing to prioritize, introduce, and vote in favor of full funding for Portland Street Response to operate 24-7 in every budget cycle. They have also signed the ‘No Fossil Fuel Money’ pledge, refusing contributions of over $200 from the oil, gas, and coal industries, and the ‘No Police Money Pledge’, rejecting contributions or endorsements from police unions or associations.

For more information about Chris Flanary and a full list of endoresments, please visit their campaign website.